Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In His Name

    The cable station TLC has a new reality show called, “All-American Muslims”. Recently Anderson Cooper had the cast and a lady who oppose this reality show on his talk show. The lady that opposes the show has a web site that is boycotting this reality show. She argued that Islam is not a true religion and that an Americanize version of it will be televised. When asked if she had read the Qur’an or the Bible she said she had read neither from cover to cover. She further argued that because many terrorist, that happen to be Muslims say, “Allahu Akbar” before they kill, that makes the religion violent. She made the claim that no Christian has ever yelled, “Jesus” before committing a terrorist act. It is clear that this individual knows nothing about religion and American history.  Committing murder in the name of ones religious beliefs does not less the brutality of the act because they did not yell to their God first. The first settlers of the Americas believed that the Natives of this land needed to be vanquished because they were not Christians. The south justified slavery with their distorted interpretation of the Bible. Just like the lady on the Anderson Cooper show they had not read the Bible cover to cover either. Solomon was favored by God yet he was black, Song of Solomon 1:5. Job was favored and true to God and he was black, Job 30:30. Jeremiah was also black, Jeremiah 8:21. In Acts 13:1 Barnabas the half brother of Jesus is called a Niger.  According to The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible, in the Greek New Testament Dictionary on page sixty, Niger is of Latin origins and means black.  Lastly, in the book of Revelations 1:14, The Apostle John describes Jesus as having hair like wool and feet the color of fine brass that had burned in a furnace (visualize that). There is no race of people on the face of the planet earth that has wooly hair, except Black people. The point to this is that if one is a delusional fanatic that is how that person should be viewed. If a person is a charismatic delusional fanatic who preys on the poor and suffering, then they are crazy and dangerous. This is the character of the people that recruit others to commit these atrocious crimes, often against the very people they claim they are fighting for. It is racist and just as dangerous and delusional to view any one group of people as being all the same. In the 1800’s the term Manifest Destiny was coined. Most Americans believed it was their divine right given to them by God to spread westward to the cost of California. If was believed that the current occupants of that land needed their guidance, for they lived in darkness. Many people were tortured and murder so America could become the great country that it is now, under the premise that it was God’s will. All Muslims are not radicals, just as all Christians are not self-righteous.  It is a lot easier to spread love then it is to spread hate.

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